Genre - Tragedy
While Japan was at war with the world, their romance has just started...
Aoyagi Ritsuka is one troubled 6th grader. Two years ago, he mysteriously lost his memory and developed an alternate personality. His mother constantly berates (and occasionally beats) him, asking what happened to the real Ritsuka, and his only defender and friend, his older brother Seimei, was recently killed. Suddenly, Seimei s apparent friend, Soubi, appears. Soubi tells him that Ritsuka s true name is Loveless, and that Soubi was assigned by Seimei to take care of Ritsuka and protect him. Ritsuka soon gets sucked into a bizzare underground society where teams of people, a Fighter Unit, and a Sacrifice, battle using elaborate and beautifully-phrased spells. He seeks both acceptance of himself, and the answer to the mystery of who killed his brother and why. (Source: Tokyopop)
In this grim and realistic take on classic fairy tales, Prince Ludwig, a female corpse collector, is ordered by his father to find himself a wife more suitable than the women he often brings into the castle. Along with his servant Wilhelm, they travel across the land in search of fair maidens from classic stories in hopes of finding Ludwig a wife.
The setting is a rural city in which kidnapping and series of murders are happening simultaneously. Eight years ago, a boy and a girl were kidnapped and suffered through the hands of their perpetrator. The victims, the compulsive liar "Mii-kun" (the narrator), and "Maa-chan" (Misono Mayu) reunite and start living together, despite the fact that the recently reported missing children were within Mayu's apartment...
Money. Power. Fame. Everyone has something they want, and Rin the match peddler is here to offer you your wildest dreams on a silver platter. All you have to do to get everything you've ever wanted is light a match, but be careful; play with fire, and you might get burned.
From Dazzling Scans: Kazusa, a young high school girl, is killed instantly when a car crashes into her as she was crossing the street. As a ghost, she watches her friends' reactions to her death—keeping a close eye on Miharu, the boy she was in love with before she died. However, she discovers that he was in love with another girl Okabe Ranko... but can Okabe see Kazusa's ghost when no one else can?
Ashaf: a mild-mannered man with fragile highlights, a final resting place lashed to his back, and an escort of dark crows. Guideau: a wild, fierce young lady with long teeth and the eyes of a monster. This foreboding pair seem one day in a town in bondage to a witch - a ruler with sorcery flowing through her inked body, who has persuaded the townsfolk she's their legend. In any case, Ashaf and Guideau know better. They live by one belief: " Any place a witch goes, just reviles and fiascos follow." They have scores to settle, and they will not hold back to eliminate anybody in their manner, be it an irate horde or a military post. A dull fantasy set in a steampunk universe of enchantment and beasts.
A collection of eight Zombie related oneshots by several authors. And I Love Her by Katsuya Terada Dead and Fail to Die by Hitoshi Kino Children Living with Corpses by Uguisu Sachiko Zombie by Shimada Toranosuke Forest of Spirits by Hokazono Masaya Zombie Boy by Hiromoto Shinichi Fight of of the Living Dead by Koizumi Tomohiro Organic Human Solution Organogel by Fukao Atsushi Includes illustrations by Hiroe Rei (Black Lagoon), Samura Hiroaki (Blade of the Immortal) and Matsumoto Jiro (Freesia)
The Nagare Family was a blissful home of three individuals. But that as it may, their child Kiritaka was furtively tormented at school. The mother Mari’s love for her son spirals out of control after an incident.
The lonesome vagabond Riseman Sawyer is following the trail of myriads of ingredients required for a peculiar magic.
After 12 long years, a white-haired boy by the name of Iori comes back to Mashira village, the place where his childhood trauma began, only to find yet another horror awaiting him.
An aggregate of 120 million individuals vanished from everywhere the world. [You have effectively finished the last journey, and have been given the prize: Return.] In 22 years, Yoon Sang-Hyuk, was at last ready to beat the most abominable endurance game. The one who turned into the Small time Army, and the most grounded out of the entirety of different players, he had at long last returned back to the real world. Also, not simply that, he returned with a prize that no one had ever gotten previously. [Masked Monarch, Return] This is the beginning of the Max Level Returner!
Hiroki has a NEET Shut-in for an older sister, which leads him to always think "It's better to be a girl!" While taking care of his lazy self-centered sister Yui, he has finally had enough of her behaviour, and snaps at her. Griping about his sister, Hiroki mutters "I wish we weren't related", and accesses a mysterious website address. The website claims to allow you to enter the body of another person, as long as you are willing to make your own body available as well. Skeptical, Hiroki tries the service and winds up in the body of popular idol Mikuriya Mikuni. While spending time as Mikuni, Hiroki is involved in finding out a secret about her he'd rather not. At the same time, when seeking to go back to his own body, the person occupying it tells him something outrageous has just happened! What happened to Hiroki's body during the incident? And what is the idol Mikuni's big secret? Be witness to the suspense as these mysteries pile up!
Breathing doesn't ensure everybody's alive! Dan Sa Yu, a relative of Goryeo, enormously reproves the Central District for his companion whom he prizes the most. He rules each fight! Nobody could stop him! Cheonpo Armed Forces. The best combative techniques of Goryeo! The legend of Cheonpo Armed Forces lives on while the historical backdrop of the King of War unfurls!
From Senpai Scans: I was gently touched by a warm hand. The words that waited in the corner of my heart. That moment held a spark, something not to be shared with anyone else. That's fine. It's because of that it's fine. Your happiness is yours only--... As the title states, a collection of tragic and gentle stories.