Genre - Shounen
Hayama Honoka, a freshman at Asaka High School, is an easygoing, unmotivated teenage girl that seems to be unaware that she is more interested in girls than boys. Tomori, her best friend since middle school who is a little violent at times, reminds her that she must pick a club to join at school. Soon after, during the lunch break, Honoka sees a girl wandering the old, abandoned campus building and meets a shy and clumsy girl named Mizusawa Yuzuki who finds fascination in the building that is several decades old although, Honoka only sees it as dirty. Honoka and Yuzuki learn about a small school club called the Abandoned Building club. They meet the vice president of the club, Tachibana Mana, a very passionate and nicely-figured girl, and the two girls decide to join. The club’s purpose is to visit abandoned buildings, rooms or stations and see the beauty of the place that has been forgotten but which is full of history, places that are worn out by time, forgotten by people but filled with hints into the past.
Kasane are spirits who hook onto the shadows of individuals' souls. Be that as it may, as long as Yayoi and Aoba are near, abhorrent spirits will not be harming any understudies at the school. Delightful workmanship and mysterious activity. The way to the obscure has now been opened.
Smile at the Runway starts with the story of Fujito Chiyuki, an aspiring fashion model and daughter of a fledgling Modeling Agency, Mille neige. Ever since she was little, Chiyuki's dream was to be the star model of her dad's agency and perform at Paris Fashion Week. With great looks and a gifted environment, it seemed like she was on the right track to fulfill her dream, but she soon found herself faced with a seemingly insurmountable wall when her height stopped growing at 158cm (5'2"), hopelessly too short to be a professional model. Although Chiyuki still kept on believing in herself for years despite everyone telling her it's impossible, Chiyuki's resolve starts to crumble as she enters her last year of high school. This is when she meets Tsumura Ikuto, a lame classmate with a surprising talent for designing clothes, who is also considering giving up his dream due to unfortunate circumstances. Together, they begin the journey of doing the impossible in order to realize their dreams.
The tale of a youthful mythical beast young lady being sluggish, doing her best...and being languid once more. Ruri faces the typical issues: pushy colleagues, irritating educators and...waking up with mythical beast horns?!
140 years ago in Kyoto, with he coming of the American "Black Ships," there arose a warrior who, felling men with his bloodstained blade, gained the name Hitokiri , man slayer! His killer blade helped close the turbulent Bakumatsu era and slashed open the progressive age known as Meiji . Then he vanished, and with the flow of years, became legend.
A new chapter in the tale of the strongest swordsman of the bakumatsu, Rurouni Kenshin of the Hiten Mitsurugi. Eigth years later his story lies to the North. The Legend is revived.
To celebrate the upcoming live action movie, Nobuhiro Watsuki reinvents the classic Rurouni Kenshin manga with all-new twists and turns. Action, romance, and historical intrigue abound in Rurouni Kenshin, the tale of a wandering swordsman during Japan's chaotic Meiji Restoration. Join Kenshin, Kaoru, Yahiko, and others as they take up their swords once again!
The exceptional spotlight on the meeting of Shishio Makoto and his loved one, Yumi Komagata. The manga likewise points of interest how Shishio shaped the Juppongatana, his association of warriors and professional killers that he enrolls trying to oust the Japanese government in the first Rurouni Kenshin manga.
A rootless mercenary meets the Crown Prince of a certain country. This meeting just might be a ray of light in the darkness for the supernatural war that will soon begin to tear the land apart.
Dias satisfied his folks' will to help other people, and held battling on the war zone keeping that in mind. Presently known as the "Rescuer Legend" from his long wartime vocation, he was compensated with a tremendous domain from the ruler. Subsequent to having met the horned Kijin (鬼人) young lady Aruna who lives there, he starts his new sluggish life as a master.
The primary person, Yoshizumi Yuya, was being forced into taking care of the obligation left by his folks who had escaped abroad. It was his cohort, Hitotsuba Kaede, picked as the cutest student in Japan, who saved him from this emergency of life and demise. Notwithstanding, there was a trick. The condition expected to satisfy as a trade-off for assuming control over his obligation was — "as a trade-off for the credit, you have - to live with me." "For what reason did that occur?!" Yuya's day to day existence fell on this day. “Yuya-kun. We should wash up together." "Yuya-kun, kindly be my embrace cushion." "Stop, Hitotsuba-san!" The droll love satire between the delightful, however agreeable Hitotsuba Kaede and the serious and resolved Yoshizumi Yuya, begins now
The daily life of a girl nicknamed Ryuushika with a wild imagination.
Ryuu stows away on a space vessel, just to be found by the team when it's far to late to come back to Earth. So they stick him in an extra rest container. Things take a turn for the unforeseen, in any case, when Ryuu awakens to get himself the sole survivor of the endeavor, the spaceship having crash arrived on a horribly transformed and entirely new Earth. Uniting with kindred survivors from an alternate accident, Ryuu and his friends battle to make due on this new and fatal Earth as they hunt down any people that may have endured the puzzling end times.
At the point when a veteran manga maker mysteriously switches bodies with his desirous colleague, their conflicting imaginative goals will shake the whole business!
The story concentrates on Kiya, a kid living with his embraced sister, Koyomi. His body contains the Native Cell, which permits him to change into a mythical serpent like being known as an Arch-Type. He is then hijacked by an abundance seeker known as TJ, and is relied upon to be sought after in later parts.