Genre - Romance
Nonoyama whose companion is just a toy spent her rudimentary and middle school years as a genuine truant due to disregard and harassing. Presently having the opportunity to reset her life as a secondary school understudy in an away school, she's resolved to make companions and make the most of her school life! Be that as it may, her secondary school life is a rough street from the very first moment...
Usagi is the granddaughter of the leader of a presitgious ninja village, but she is such a klutz that she has never made it out of the kiddie class. Frustrated with Usagi s lack of progress, her grandfather sends her to marry Lord Hanzo and have lots of ninja babies. But the lord has no interest in her or her childbearing potential! (Source: Viz Media)
A first love, a broken heart, and true love are all serious affairs to a person involved. Mei Sakisaka fell out of love with her teacher Takaoka. She made the first kiss with Masami, and...
From Mixini Studios: “Back in the day, that place was a house filled with magic—a place where you ended up smiling even if you were crying. Surely, an invisible wizard must have lived there. Or so I thought.” What’s a young child to do when her mother leaves her father for another man? Or when her father remarries a woman who brings along a child from a previous marriage? Or when her childhood neighbor friend invites her to live with him?
Noriko has led a protected life since she was a child, unable to lead the life of normal kid due to her affluent background. Until an organized school trip to Osaka when she meets Taiyou who eventually changed her life....
Kamiwazumi Jun lives alone in an old house with a sanctum. Subsequently, individuals now and then go out, similar to little cats... or then again an oblivious bare young lady?! The lady being referred to cases to be a robot from the future who has returned time to ensure Jun, the future savior. She has no misgivings about nakedness, and recovers helpful articles from a "ninth dimensional pocket" between her legs. Once Jun has acknowledged that her story must be valid, he additionally needs to make sense of how to function an attractive robot young lady into his regular day to day existence, which likewise incorporates disclosing her to an adorable beloved companion that really likes him.
The renter living in our house is a horrible (but beautiful) cat prince!
Marunouchi Gaku has come back to Japan after being away for 10 years. He reunites with his childhood sweetheart, Tamano Kako. However, before they can date, Gaku must defeat Kako in a game of Takkoku. The problem is though, Kako is the #1 Takkoku player in Japan and she doesn't know how to go easy.
Despite having been friends since childhood, Daichi and Akira have only lately begun dating. There are unexpectedly feminine aspects to Akira despite her strong tomboy tendencies.
Nezha, born in the form of a 3 year old boy with celestial power, inadvertently becomes enmeshed in a conspiracy by evil spirits. He is forced to commit suicide at a tender age. Story based around a Chinese deity.
Nie Li, the strongest Demon Spiritist in his past life standing at the pinnacle of the martial world however, he lost his life during the battle with Sage Emperor and the six deity ranked beast, his soul was then reborn back in time back to when he is still 13. Although he?s the weakest in his class with the lowest talent at only Red soul realm, but with the aid of the vast knowledge which he accumulated from his previous life, he trained faster then anyone. Trying to protect the city which in the coming future was being assaulted by beast and ended up being destroyed as well as protecting his lover, friends and family who died by the beast assault. And to destroy the Sacred family whom abandon their duty and betrayed city in his past life.
Summary from The Little Corner: The planet of Salami is almost identical to planet Earth. Judging from the appearance, there is nothing different from Earth... Except... The sense of beauty is VERY different. Aimi is an orphan living with her step-mother and step-sisters, and she is what we consider as being beautiful, but what THEY consider as ugly. Yet, that does not end the story. Just by an accident, Aimi stumbles upon Earth and meets Kyou Naruse, a self-centered person or someone called.... The Narcissist. Our very own Cinderella Story... [except for the fact that Aimi s sense of beauty is ALSO different] or not.
When she merges her soul with that man, she will become the Goddess of War! Itsukushima Hinata is a cool high school girl who lives a normal life, but one day, all of a sudden, her life became not so normal anymore. The strange man that suddenly appeared insulted her best friend and enraged her. He's a mysterious man who has a costume like that of someone who just woke up from a sleep from the ancient times. While Hinata is still confused, that man hugs her out of the blue! And then, she transforms...?!