Genre - Fantasy
From: Shinnen Naraka High School, is a seemingly normal school. However, unknown to the public is the cruel truth of what really goes on in the school`s halls. Rather than studying, students are forced to struggle for their very survival. And the strong bonds of friendship may be the only difference between life and death.
Influenced by two of their friends, a pair of female high school students, Natsu and Kumiko, begin playing the popular MMORPG Apocalypse Online. When they log in for the first time, they find they have been given a rare item, a pair of marriage rings, which gives the two of them special bonuses when they are near each other. But while their relationship is a funny quirk of the game to Natsu, Kumiko secretly longs for it to become a reality...
A tempest of the universe brought species transformations. The toxic substance, undead, goliaths and beasts in the city thundered as they waved their weapons. As the monsters in the forest battled about regional freedoms, people, as well, stirred a capacity known as star power… Zhou Zheng, without star power, crossed to this prophetically calamitous world. Utilizing the capacities of the criminal person in the game, he annihilates the dimness and mist, looking for preeminent power!
Luo Zheng, now a humble slave was born as the eldest son of a wealthy family. Due to his familys decline, the kidnapping of his sister by a powerful force, he can now only be stepped upon by others. However, heaven never seals off all exits. An ancient book left by his father reveals a secret divine technique, giving the reader immense power! But what is behind this power? This is a contest against fate.
A dark and stormy night... A haunted mansion... Shrieking maniacal laughter... On Pomello Island, a wayward genius named Enji has finally decoded the Encyclopedia of Summoning and with it the knowledge to summon and control the dreaded Yellow Dragon. The power of the Yellow Dragon is to command all the animals of the world; and with it Enji plans to at last gain fame, respect, and the affections of his beloved Moegi-san. The conditions are right, the huge egg opens, and out walks... a little girl? Enji's plans for world domination and winning the love of Moegi-san just fell apart. Or have they...
The main character is Aramiya Satoshi, who main ability is shapeshifting into any animal ...though at a few points he has plants growing out of him, so my guess is he can shapeshift into any living thing (including an elephant and a lion) I am not sure if he was naturally born that way or if he was a biological experiment. Anyway, he is a pretty easygoing guy who just wants to be left alone to enjoy his solitary life in the middle of a junkyard, but apparently some army or another is always after him because of his ability, though he is able to fight off entire tank battalions before breakfast.
The region of Metafalss surrounds the second Tower of Ar tonelico, which is said to represent the Goddess Frelia of the Trio of Elemia. Reyvateil in this region have been succumbing to a raging Reyvateil-exclusive epidemic called the Infel Pira Dependency (I.P.D.). Croix, a Knight under the Grand Bell Church of Pastalia, is sent to find the source of the problem and contain the epidemic. There is more transpiring in this region than just the epidemic, however, and one mission will throw him into an adventure to unravel the mysteries of the planet Ar Ciel and seek out a legend handed down by the people of Metafalss: the lost Hymn of Metafalica.
A mysterious disease is spreading amongst the reyvateils causing them to go berserk, the key to stopping them lies in the hands of Espada reid, the only problem is he hates reyvateils, will he be able to stop the reveris illness?
VRRPG "Sword and Sorcery" user Satoshi Osako fought the Evil God and perished as a result of his difficulties. But he assumed complete control of the game's condition and had a different kind of rebirth! And for some reason, he made the decision to start tutoring a girl!
Every 30 years, a new princess is chosen from the Hime family to serve the Hayagami. The time has come again, but over these past years, records state not a single female has been born, save for one, the 15 year old Arata. The only problem is, Arata is actually a male! Forced to disguise himself and take the place of the princess candidate until a formal one can be found, he attends the festival only to witness the current princess, Kokuri-hime, murdered, and his own life is forfeit as well, by the hands of the princess\' personal guard, the 12 Shinshou. As he runs for his life, Kannagi of the 12 convinces everyone that Arata is the one who has murdered the princess instead, and now everyone in the Imperial Court is after his head!
The world is becoming warped and overrun by demons. Standing against this tide are the natural enemy of the demons, the Onmyoukidou. Abe is a hard-working, good-natured onmyoukidou of the under-staffed second division defense against the demons. He is relieved to hear that new staff have been assigned to his team, but less so when he meets the rude and violent Yomi and her silent ninja-like partner. Together they must find a way to defend the city from the demons, and to show up the vastly more popular and highly supported first division team. [tethysdust]
An arrangement about a hyper-sensible dream game! "Commander Ha, you insane knave. You shot another full round of bullseyes?" The sharpshooter Ha LeeHa basically needed to be a piece of the military for eternity. Be that as it may, because of a shocking mishap, he got paraplegic and was thrown once again into society. The progressive VR game [Middle Earth] introduced another life to him. Cash acquired in [Middle Earth] has certifiable worth! However, he demolished his opportunity by choosing the least level character! "Dislike the others. This is all I have." Dark black powder, iron balls, and ramrods... I'll show you all what a genuine musketeer is!
Jung HyeonWoo had not one or the other 'Ability', 'Cash', or 'Karma'. "For what reason would I be able to see the secret data in the game?" After a non-deadly electric shock mishap, I began having the option to see stuff I couldn't before in the game.
After throwing away his dreams a boy wanders into Wonderland and he holds the name of Alice which is the primary requirement in the Game to kill the White Rabbit. In a crazy story where common sense does not apply and everything is bound by the rules of the game and the orders of the Queen of Hearts, Alice decides to take the gun in his hand. (from M-U)
In the American Area 51, there is a society where many varied supernatural creatures--kappa, vampires, aliens, gods and goddesses of various mythologies, mythological figures (like King Arthur), and more-- make their home. In addition to the non-humans, there's also a population of humans, people who can't live in the ordinary world for one reason or another. One of these people is Magoi Tokuko, commonly known as Makkoi, a tough woman who works cases with the help of her kappa associate, her deep knowledge of the area, and her pistol. In her office, which she's built in an unfinished subway station, she takes on all kinds of jobs (recovery of stolen goods, infiltration, etc.) from the many humans and non-humans who come to pay for her help. [tethysdust]