Genre - Animated
Kyouhei, after moving away to Tokyo from his old town to get away from the events that happened, is on a goukon with his friends, including his old neighbor, Shiba. After drinking for a whole night, he and Shiba discover a dead, bloody, body in the elevator. He is told by his younger sister, Utao with her Kamisama Doll, that Aki, an old friend, and his Doll, are the culprits responsible. (Source: FATE)
Nakamachi Kana is a junior high school girl. Her grandmother passed away and she was left all alone. She finds a newspaper carrier station and starts working as a live-in carrier. Her room has a hole in the wall. Other female workers living next doors come in through the hole and start a wild merrymaking.
Nai’s journey in search of Karoku by using a bracelet as a clue has led to his meeting with a boy named Gareki and the beginning of their travel together. Nai searches for someone important to him, with only an abandoned bracelet as a clue. Gareki steals and pick-pockets to get by from day to day. The two meet in a strange mansion where they are set-up, and soon become wanted criminals by military security operatives. When Nai and Gareki find themselves desperate in a hopeless predicament, they encounter none other than the country\'s most powerful defense organization - Circus!!
Kaminashi Nozomi (17) is an exceptional gymnast. So much so that colleges with some of the best gymnastic programs are trying to recruit her. Unfortunately for them, she has other plans. Due to her family being extremely poor, money is everything to her. That's why she wants to step into the world of "Keijo." "Keijo" is a type of gambling sport where girls stand on a small floating platform and compete against one another. The aim is to push the other contestant off of the platform into the water, but they are only allowed to use their butt or breasts to push the others off. Will Nozomi be able to compete in the intense world of "Keijo" and bring wealth and fortune for her family?
It's a 4-panel style manga that follows the comedic life of a typical school girl Yasuna and her assassin classmate Sonya. Sonya’s attempt to fit in often fails when her natural assassin instincts kick in and Yasuna’s attempt to be more friendly with Sonya often gets her hurt or intimidated.
245 before JC in a western China country Sin Hyo and Shin are two orphans who aim to be general of army. They are training when a old man came to meet them. He was a noble and wanted to recruit Hyo, but only Hyo...
Keita has two step-sisters who love him in a lustful way and have no problems expressing it, they even are in competition about that. Much to the laughs of his friends, he endures it but when one day they come to his school to give him his lunch, he gets annoyed and explodes on them, then they confess their feelings for him in front of everyone and leave. Feeling sorry he chases after them and says that he\'ll study hard in order to get in the same highschool as them.
A young man pilot a machine protect a resident area in the universe. However, he has never seen a human before.
Haruka Kotoura is a 15-year-old girl who can read people's minds. She has been suffering from troubles caused by her mind-reading ability, and her parents got divorced as a result. She moves to a new high school but tries to keep away from her classmates. Yoshihisa Manabe, one of her classmates, accepts and appreciates her ability and she begins to interact with her friends with his help. Source: MAL
In the medieval fantasy world of Alfheimr, succubus princess Astrarotte Ygvar, the first princess of the kingdom of Ygvar, has just reached the age of 10. For the coming years of a young succubus life, it is necessary for them to have a male harem. In order to maintain their body and preserve their beautiful appearance, they must consume a substance only found on males. This substance is a liquid called Sauzfryma, better known as semen. The princess, however, bears a great dislike against men, and only agrees to create a harem if a human male is to join. In the human world Midgar, young father Touhara Naoya was greeted by a suspicious lady one day, claiming that she is a fortune teller. She also claims that she can help him find the perfect job fitted for him. Even though it seems suspicious, he accepts the free consultation in order to support himself and his young daughter. After meeting in the park with the suspicious lady a day later, he suddenly found himself in Alfheimr, a medieval fantasy realm located on a different world. The mysterious lady uncloaks her true identity as the Head Chamberlain of the kingdom of Ygvarland. He was then lead to the palace of Ygvarland, and there, the job he accepted was finally revealed; he was to become a human candidate for princess Astrarotte`s harem. (Source: Baka-Updates)
Aoyagi Ritsuka is one troubled 6th grader. Two years ago, he mysteriously lost his memory and developed an alternate personality. His mother constantly berates (and occasionally beats) him, asking what happened to the real Ritsuka, and his only defender and friend, his older brother Seimei, was recently killed. Suddenly, Seimei s apparent friend, Soubi, appears. Soubi tells him that Ritsuka s true name is Loveless, and that Soubi was assigned by Seimei to take care of Ritsuka and protect him. Ritsuka soon gets sucked into a bizzare underground society where teams of people, a Fighter Unit, and a Sacrifice, battle using elaborate and beautifully-phrased spells. He seeks both acceptance of himself, and the answer to the mystery of who killed his brother and why. (Source: Tokyopop)
A boy who travels across the desert with a genie friend...
Oyama Takeshi happily enrolls in a co-ed school that didn\'t required any entrance exams and has hostels to boot... Only to find out that there\'s more to the school than he thought!
Kouji Kabuto is a normal teenager who has just inhereted the power to either be a God or a Devil--the power of the Great Iron Robot, Mazinger Z! But before Kouji can even choose what he will do with such power, the evil Dr. Hell appears on the stage to try and wrest control of the World with his own army of mechanical monsters! And all that stands in his way... Is Kouji Kabuto... And Mazinger Z!
Kurokami Medaka, a first year, is elected as Student Council President, and the first thing she does is establish a suggestion box. Since she was just elected as Student Council President, she's holding all the Student Council's responsibilities, and wearing their armbands. So, she asks her childhood friend Hitoyoshi Zenkichi, for help.