Genre - Slice Of Life
Thirteen-year-old Yasaka is a boy staying at his grandfather's house during his summer vacation. One day he entered a store and met Arashi, a beautiful sixteen-year-old girl working there. After trying to protect her from a man who claims to have been hired by her family to take her back by force, Yasaka ran away with her and now she stays at his grandpa's place with him. It didn't take much time for Yasaka to figure out that his new friend is far from an ordinary girl, as she possesses mysterious powers. The plot thickens when he finds a sixty-year-old picture of Arashi and another girl named Kaja, and to the surprise of all Kaja suddenly appears, and just like Arashi, her appearance hasn't changed at all since then.
The only thing in Tetsuos mind is art. The beauty, the nature, and the quality of art. One woman watches him handle his art. Her name is Akira. She watches as he constantly tries to draw day after day, and she oversees the completion of his work at a local art exhibition. Akira apparently has become interested in Tetsuo\\\'s love for art and his work. One rainy night, Tetsuo notices that Akira left her umbrella and he decides to deliver it to her. He finds her and gives her the umbrella and does not use it as he claims that the umbrella is not his. As Tetsuo leaves, Akira tells him to wait. He turns around and finds Akira bringing her lips towards his... Love has bloomed in the middle of a rainy night.
A summer story of 17-year-old Yousuke who has a crush on his teacher Aiko.
Natsume Shiranui, a sophomore in high school, has a thug's face. He is a fearsome yet morally upright student who is infatuated with Natsume Minadzuki. He looks up to her since she has always supported him and he wants to be just as heroic as she is for him.
When the hero reaches the castle of the demon king and learns that she cannot defeat him, what happens? She cries, and the demon king himself comforts her!
In a quiet village, Young Seol, an aristocrat, wakes from deep slumber, only to find a young man named Soon Jo Yi trying to kidnap her.
The Yakuza supervisor is a feline! The "earthy colored tiger" bunch chief, Oyaji. Yet again yanagi, the enlist in the Yakuza, and the gangsters are helpless before the lighthearted Oyaji today however it isn't so awful. An enthusiastic parody about a feline starts. The title Like a Feline is a farce of the Yakuza game series "Like a Winged serpent" (Ryu ga Gotoku).
Aoba Koo works part time at a cafe at the capital of the demon world. Very cute and very funny.
In a town where a lot of stray cats live a carefree life, there is a child who lives among them. His mother suddenly disappeared one day, and that abandoned kid found a white cat who had also lost her own children. Now, he's watched over by the townspeople and is living with his new mother cat like a real family
A lightly paced manga about two girls who live together. A classic odd couple setup featuring a responsible character with a caring atmosphere and a more free spirited musician who has trouble both feeding herself and paying the rent.
The precious times that you and I shared. Chosen from the 2013 Manhwa Scout Selection. Original webtoon
Sooner rather than later a pandemic spreads all over the planet, so individuals concealing their mouth with a veil has turned into the standard. Natsuki, a girl who secretly longs for the world before the pandemic, and Hata, a classmate, become fast friends and share a small secret. This is the narrative of two "uncommon" individuals living in the realm of the "new customary"!