Genre - Magic

  • Six years after the JS Incident, a young dimensional traveler Touma Avenir rescues a mysterious mute girl named Lily Strosek from a secret research facility on a distant world of Ruwella. However, by doing so, he becomes an unwitting accomplice in the Book of the Silver Cross Incident, the latest interdimensional crisis faced by the former Riot Force 6 members...

    Mahou Senki Lyrical Nanoha Force
  • After graduated from a magic academy, 10-year-old genius boy Negi Springfield was assigned to a huge Japanese school as an English teacher for practical training. To his surprise, the 8th grade class assigned for him is all-girl. In addition to teaching (and being teased by) those 31 pretty girls while trying to keep his magic capability in secret, he's also looking for clues about his father, who was once known as "Thousand Master" but mysteriously disappeared years ago. (Source: ANN)

    Mahou Sensei Negima!
  • Mei no Naisho revolves around the life of the title character Mei Haruna, an effeminate young boy who was raised by his witch mother as a girl, and always thought of himself as female. His mother was the only family he had, so after she died, he transfers to an all-girls high school and comes to reside in the school\\\'s dormitory with his talking familiar cat Abel, and his roommate Fuuka Honjou, who is also a member of the public morals committee. Shortly after arriving at the school, his new friends discover after a magical display in the dormitory community bath that he is actually male, though this comes as quite a shock to him despite him being aware of the physical differences between him and normal girls. Despite him being found out, and after some helpful intervening of the perverted student council president, the principal of the school decides that he can stay at the school. The next day, Mei comes to school with Fuuka and apologizes for hiding the fact that he was a witch, and informs the others how he is apparently male. The other students quickly accept him as one of their own, and are impressed how he can use magic. (Source: mangaupdates)

    Mei no Naisho
  • Momoko is a girl who was born in a witch family in which most of its female members possess magics. Yet they can only reveal their magical capability to "the one" i.e. their soul mate / spouse. The more magic she use in front of strangers, the more parts of her body would become cat-ish (such as cat ears and whiskers), and if any stranger learns her true identity she would turn into a cat completely -- like her mother. Having joined the magic club in her school, Momoko has used her ability too often that her cat ears pop out every once in a while so she must find "the one" as soon as possible, but her candidates have already become suspicious. (Source: ANN)

    Momoko Manual
  • MX0

    The story starts off with a flashback, Kuzumi Taiga is asked at his school entrance interview what he would do if he could use magic. "Take over the world" is his reply, followed by an outburst of laughter from a very cute girl. Not much remains in his memory after those events, but he does remember the girl and she is somehow involved in him failing to enter the school of his choice. Wandering around outside of aforementioned school the next day, he gets mistaken for a student ditching class by one of the teachers, and get\'s pulled into the school through a magic barrier he did not notice. He is in fact a student with no magical ability at all, and it just so happens this is a magic school.

  • There is a legend that tells of how the world was almost destroyed thousands of years ago by the vampire queen after she unleashed her latent powers. Despite their efforts, the humans were unable to defeat her, and thus resorted to sealing her away until the time came that they would be powerful enough to destroy the seal and kill her. However, the humans are not the only ones after the seal. Having cast aside his kingdom and betraying his own race and the dhampirs (half-vampires), the vampire king is persistantly searching, even to this day, for where his queen has been sealed away so he may break the seal and free her before the humans do. Fearing that once the king and queen are reunited, they shall continue to destroy the world together, the humans and dhampirs hunt the king, using any method possible.

    Record of Fallen Vampire
  • Manji, the murderer bodyguard known as Red Dog, joins Cards by chance and helps defeat Toys, a kind of playthings that kill. His weapon is a sword and his partner is Karu, a cold boy capable of transferring others injury to his body. In one mission, Karu is wounded and his secret is exposed. (Source: MangaUpdates)

  • After being shipwrecked on a remote southern island, Lina and Co. protect its townspeople from an attack by piratesā€¦. But the island holds a deep, dark secret - and powerful magical forces are at work trying desperately to hide its past. The fate of the world once again rests in the hands of the over-bearing Lina Inverseā€¦ For better or worse! (Source: Turtle Paradise)

    Slayers - The Hourglass of Falces
  • Little witch-girls Chocolat and Vanilla are best friends, but only one of them can be Queen of the Magic World. To determine who deserves the title, they must go to the Human World and enter a strange competition. Whoever attracts the most human boys . . . wins! Here\'s how it works: When a boy falls for a witch-girl, she utters a few mystic words and the boy\'s heart will be hers in jewel-like form. It may sound simple, but winning hearts is tricky business. While Chocolat had no problem enticing witch-boys with her forthright personality, human boys seem to be drawn to shy and modest girls like Vanilla. And to make matters worse, Chocolat is finding herself increasingly drawn to the cool and mysterious Pierre-who feels nothing for her! The girls had planned to be best friends forever, but both of them want to be Queen. Will their rivalry ruin their friendship?

    Sugar Sugar Rune
  • In this world, there are 10 heavenly laws and 22 earthly laws. While humans cannot have knowledge of the heavenly laws used by the gods, they make use of the earthly laws. Through cards, each of the symbols can be utilized through the use of magic. Those with this ability are called magicians. Aspiring magicians study the laws in order to attend a magic institute. Nanao, Kisa, and Nanten of Nase are freshmen enrolled at the Seventh Eastern Magic Institute. Even within the 22 laws, there exist a rare ability. Nanao, who holds this ability, will...?

    Tenkyuugi - Sephirahnatus
  • Fall Rokkenjima, a private island owned by Kinz? Ushiromiya, eleven of his relatives arrive for a family reunion. He is dying and children want nothing more than to split the wealth he will leave behind. But as a storm traps them on the island, the riddle of Rokkenjima's legendary golden witch begins to take the lives of several people. Who can solve the riddle and gain the gold & the inheritance? Will the golden witch truly revive? The story is divided into episodes: four "Question" arcs. Each episode keeps the same main characters, but ends in a different way. However, each episode gives valuable answers, hints, and clues to the previous one, while at the same time bringing forth even more mysteries.The question arcs are: Legend of the golden witch, Turn of the golden witch, Banquet of the golden witch, and Alliance of the golden witch.

    Umineko no Naku Koro ni Episode 3