Genre - Horror
Protagonist XiaoFei used to be an ordinary guy from H city. After the spring water was contaminated with a virus, however, he unexpectedly encountered an unprecedented crisis. The people living in H City became zombies one by one, devouring each other, and gradually evolving. Can XiaoFei escape from H city and meet up with his girlfriend Wei? The story now begins...
Akira Tendo, 24, sits in a trash-filled apartment and watches a zombie movie with lifeless, envious eyes. Subsequent to burning through three hard years at a shifty enterprise in Japan, his soul is broken. He couldn't marshal the mental fortitude to admit his sentiments to his lovely collaborator Ohtori. Then, one morning, he comes across his landlord, who is also a tenant, eating lunch. Akira has never felt more alive, despite the fact that he is running for his life and the entire city is infested with zombies.