Genre - Fantasy
In the world of Kouhei Horikoshi's Boku no Hero Academia, nearly everyone in the world has powers known as "Quirks". Normally, the law enforces the rule that citizens cannot use their Quirks out in the open, and that privilege is reserved only for registered superheroes. However, a select few have chosen to reject this rule. They are known as vigilantes - people with the hearts of heroes, but the reputation of villains. This is their story.
Allen, an eight-year-old boy from a poor family in the capital, is living with his mother in a miserable but happy life. He remembers, however, that he is in a dating sim game and that the capital will be destroyed by war if he does not take action one day when he suddenly recalls his previous life. He and his mother will both die if this continues! With a need to get moving, he chooses to adapt to the situation to save his valuable mother's life and save his #1 person, the wretched young woman Anastasia, the main young lady he loved in the game, from her quite unfortunate and ruinous end. This is the narrative of an even a man character in the game, however who endeavors with his steely assurance and uses all the information he needs to turn defeat destiny!
"You should turn into the more prominent evil to battle against the genuine fiendishness!" Cassian passes on subsequent to being outlined for the homicide of a friend. Exactly when he thought it was finished for him, his spirit is moved into a little fellow... A well known, top-class Psyker who was everybody's jealousy transforms into a Villain short-term!
In the world of an Otome RPG that she played in her previous life, a college student finds herself resurrected as Eumiella, a wicked daughter of the nobility. Eumiella isn't really worth thinking about in the RPG at first, but in the endgame content, she comes back as a hidden boss with ridiculous stats that make her comparable to even the game's heroes. Eumiella's former gamer soul is rekindled after she was essentially abandoned by her parents at their family domain. She begins leveling relentlessly until, when she enrolls in the Royal Academy, she discovers that she is level 99. The heroine of the game and her love interests have suspicions that Eumiella is in fact the infamous Demon Lord, despite the fact that she had initially intended to lead a quiet and private life. These absurd powers invite a wide range of difficulties. This is the beginning of the fantasy story about a powerful, evil, and hidden boss who wishes she could just live a quiet life.
I should be dead, however when I awakened, I was rat!... or, all the more precisely, I turned into an infection and swarmed a rodent!! The more I contaminate, the more bodies and abilities I get! I will cause a pandemic in this other world!
Joo seo-cheon, a man who survives the age of war through sheer luck and becomes hwasan factions elder only to live a life full of regrets and doubts. he then lies on his death bed waiting for the inevitable when he is returned to the past…
A long time ago, a pair of twins were born. Back then, however, multiple births were considered unlucky, so one of the twins, a girl, was... crushed to death with a millstone, buried under the shade of a large mulberry tree. The girl's soul, lacking a fully grown spirit, could not reincarnate, and as such was forced to wander the world. Only after collecting 108 individual sources of human misery/worldly desire could she move onto the next world.
Saburou's summoning bonus is only +1 to luck, even though over 1,000 heroes are summoned every year. He starts a relaxed life in a different realm with a doll princess as his companion, earning him the title of most disappointing hero in a decade. What adventures does this new existence have for him?
Chibi-Neko is a young kitten who has been abandoned. She doesn’t know she has been abandoned, and doesn’t know the difference between cats and humans. Indeed, she imagines herself as a human girl and believes she will become human someday. She is found and rescued by a boy named Tokio, who has just graduated from high school. However, he flunked the entrance exams and now is not sure of his future or what he will do. Chibi-Neko soon begins to love Tokio and wants to become a human and marry him someday. But then she sees Tokio with another girl in the park, and sees that he is in love with this girl. She also keeps getting visited by Raphael, a mysterious male cat who tries to tell her that cats cannot become human, they are always cats. What will Chibi-Neko do?
Willemina, the daughter of a duke, was harsh with Nigel, her foster brother, whom she unexpectedly had, believing him to be her father's "illegitimate son." Although she can not apologize for it for years, she eventually comes to accept her foster brother. Her foster brother becomes a knight-at-arms after a few years, but things are not as they appear. She is unable to apologize.
An accident claimed the life of Countess Lorona Luse. The day after her fiancé Dauphin called off their engagement, she received the news. Despite the fact that Lorona did not commit the crime of mistreating her sister, she readily took the responsibility. Her face was shattered in an overturned carriage when she was discovered dead on a suburban street. Lorona's sister was thrilled to hear of her passing. She said, "Dauphin is now mine!" as Dauphin chuckled. Their desire was that Lorona had passed away sooner. However, they were unaware at the time that Lorona's passing would bring them more than just good fortune.
"Your identity must never be revealed. Your eyes and your hair would inconvenience both your mother and the people of the kingdom…"The mother of Ashley, who is a fifteen-year-old girl, was called a villainess, got prosecuted, and then kidnapped. As result, she has conceived a child, Ashley, who was later told that she shared the same eye and hair color as the man who had kidnapped her mother. She wears glasses and an Alice band that use the power of magic to make her look disagreeable in others' eyes, and thus gets called an "ugly four-eyes." Unable to make any friends, Ashley used to lead an academy life of loneliness and solitude…However, after her encounter with a mysterious creature, the crown prince grows interested in her…?
At the point when corporate laborer Rei Ohashi finds herself reawakened as the hero of her #1 dating sim, it's the ideal chance to do what she's constantly cared about. Lure the villainess! Rei had never been interested in the game's princes in her previous life. She had an exclusive, keen interest in eyes for Claire François, her enemy. Presently, furnished with her broad information on the game, and her undying affection for Claire, can Rei at last prevail upon the lady of her fantasies?
The December issue of Kodansha\'s Monthly Afternoon magazine has announced on Saturday that Mushishi creator Yuki Urushibara is launching a new manga called Suiiki (Waters) in the next issue on November 25. The fantasy-themed story centers on a middle school student on the swim team during a mysterious summer vacation. [Source: ANN]