Genre - Ecchi
Mei no Naisho revolves around the life of the title character Mei Haruna, an effeminate young boy who was raised by his witch mother as a girl, and always thought of himself as female. His mother was the only family he had, so after she died, he transfers to an all-girls high school and comes to reside in the school\\\'s dormitory with his talking familiar cat Abel, and his roommate Fuuka Honjou, who is also a member of the public morals committee. Shortly after arriving at the school, his new friends discover after a magical display in the dormitory community bath that he is actually male, though this comes as quite a shock to him despite him being aware of the physical differences between him and normal girls. Despite him being found out, and after some helpful intervening of the perverted student council president, the principal of the school decides that he can stay at the school. The next day, Mei comes to school with Fuuka and apologizes for hiding the fact that he was a witch, and informs the others how he is apparently male. The other students quickly accept him as one of their own, and are impressed how he can use magic. (Source: mangaupdates)
Shinjou Shouryuu is a healthy 17 year old high school boy. Many of his kouhais wonder why such a great guy does not have a girlfriend. Ask him and he will tell you that between school, work, and saving his kouhais from bullies does not leave him much time to go on dates. So he instead goes online to -F.I.L. GATES-. There in the chat room his alter-ego, Kakeru, is infatuated with the girl called Hal. Hal sends a message reminding him that Sunday will be the 6 month anniversary of when they first met (online) and that she wants to meet him in person! And lets just say it is not your typical first date.
I awoke in a universe resembling that of my favorite video game and found myself in outer space. I can live my days on a cozy planet and make a lot of money as a mercenary with my beloved, super-specced-out ship! That's what I thought, at least until this pretty girl with a lot of debt stumbled into my arms! A space dream like you've never experienced! On an overpowered starship, speed through a strange new universe in search of adventure with Satou Takahiro and his hotties!
Ao Horie of first grade class 2, her life started to get depressing after a parent orientation. She throw her youth for the sake of studying and her goals.
Kaya thought she had found the perfect job when she became the private secretary of Kyouhei Touma--the director of a tableware company of the same name. Kyouhei is a capable director, but his arrogance and sluttish behavior are almost legendary. Kaya is doing her best to prove that she is capable in her work, but one night, by accident, she discovers his secret...of him being a vampire!
Somebody wants the Earth! After being invaded for 6 times by monsters and aliens, Tokyo was damaged and almost destroyed. When Runna Minami meets an honor student, Mika Kujiraoka, the bishojo fighters of justice, Mikarun X, are born. They transform themselves in two giants and, without wearing anything, the two heroines fight against the various enemies.
After the death of his parents in an accident, Yutaka was taken in and has been living peacefully at the Mita Shrine. One day, a pair of really hot miko appear, causing many nosebleeds for Yutaka. When he is drawn into their fight with a dangerous evil spirit, he uncovers the fact that he also has some kind of mysterious power inside himself as well. Now it looks like he's going to become involved with their dangerous fight against evil spirits! [tethysdust]
Minamoto-kun has a face truly enough to make individuals believe he's a young lady. In view of his face, he was tormented by the young ladies in center school who were desirous of his attractive features. He built up a dread of ladies because of the injury, and thus decided to go to a secondary school for young men. Similarly as he enters school and makes a guarantee to himself to conquer the injury of his past, his dad remarries and solicits him to move out from the house. His dad masterminds him to live with his auntie (Minamoto-kun's dad's more youthful sister) for now. She is a very wonderful lady who is likewise a non-tenured teacher at his school. At the point when he shows up at her condo, she gives him her bosoms and reveals to him that he will be her "guinea pig" in her opposite Hikari Genji venture.
Nozomi-kun is a center school kid with an armpit obsession. One morning on the train, he spots Tsuyuno-chan, a secondary school young lady who's somewhat of a hotshot. Promptly hypnotized, he follows her to her ball practice. Be that as it may, when she spots him, she concludes it probably won't be so awful to simply humor him?!
Ishikawa Takuya, a high school student who does not stand out in any particular way, is surprised when his principal asks him to take care of some transfer students. He is even more surprised to find that there are actually 30 charming female transfer students in his care, who have come from a boarding school that was destroyed in a fire! At first it seems like a dream come true, but then he notices their knives... and guns... what kind of school did these girls come from?
Comedy manga about a slice of life of 11 year old triplets Marui Mitsuba, Futaba and Hitoha.
Tsuki no Tsubasa is the story of a group of vampires who are being hunted down by the creations of Dr. Victor Frankenstein. The twist here is that the vampires want nothing more than to be left alone and do their best to not kill anyone... and Frankenstein's creations are all in the form of attractive psychogirls of varying ages.
A popular and attractive honors student who goes by the name Mone. She is steadfast and diligent, but there is only one obvious flaw; She has no concept of love at all! In this school love manga, however, she might be swayed more quickly than she realizes.
Even the oracle that locates the Dalai Llama s reincarnation could not foresee that the troublemaker Dang will undertake the mission to find him. However, Dang s power is yet hidden; his true power is not seen until it is triggered by sexual impulses and turns him into a monster! Unaware of this, Dang enters Mouhyuk High, following the oracle s advice. But his class is a special class filled with a bunch of weirdoes the students call Trash and his biggest enemy, Coke Bottle woman! Can he complete his mission?