Genre - Action
In this school fantasy story set in the distant future, creatures contaminated by pollution have overtaken the land, forcing humanity to live in isolated mobile cities called Regios. One such city named Czerni is a self-contained school in which freshman Reifon Aruseifu has just enrolled. Reifon reluctantly joins the 17th Martial Arts Studies Unit led by the third-year student Nina Ant?ku and embarks on a series of adventures.
In this school fantasy story set in the distant future, creatures contaminated by pollution have overtaken the land, forcing humanity to live in isolated mobile cities called Regios. One such city named Zuellni is a self-contained school in which freshman Layfon Alseif has just enrolled. Layfon reluctantly joins the 17th Martial Arts Studies Unit led by the third-year student Nina Antalk and embarks on a series of adventures. This version recounts a slightly different version of Layfon's story.
The successor of the Spear Master Sect and his disciple Hyuk Woon Seong were encircled of learning an illegal Demonic workmanship and killed. A powerless and abandoned demise by the wolves in sheeps clothing of the Orthodox Sect. The minute Woon Seong confronted his passing, The curio of the Spear Master Sect radiated a light and gave him another life. The life as Number 900, a student of the Demonic Cult! The two characters, the Orthodox Sect and the Demonic Cult. Be that as it may, his goal is one. Retaliation! Tolerating his predetermination and recalling his resentment, Woon Seong prepares in hand to hand fighting Furthermore, his season of vengeance gradually comes nearer… . Assume control over the Demonic Cult and rebuff the wolves in sheeps clothing of the Orthodox Sect! The vengeance story of Number 900, Woon Seong developing in errands of life and passing. The webtoon variant of creator Il-hwangs famous wuxia novel, Chronicles of the Heavenly Demon.
Tired of the yoke of the Divine Justice Alliance, master assassin Hajin Cheon attempts to flee, only to be confronted by martial artists of all allegiances, both orthodox and deviant. Succumbing to the wounds of his ferocious struggle for freedom, he awakens in the body of Ryang Seo, a prince of the notorious Heavenly Demon Cult who suffers from a disorder that prohibits him from the use of qi. In order to survive in his new life, Hajin must contend with the many dangers and enemies that lurk within the cult.
"Time" is excellent, void and brutal. Time can't be switched. In any case, is that valid? Do you lament anything? Why not turn around time then and change what was the deal? In Chronos Ruler, Koyuki�the principle character�can no more hit the dance floor with her companions since she was harmed in the wake of sparing a kid from an auto crash. Watching them get prepared for the show is painful to the point that she's enticed to do a reversal in time and change what she's finished. Be that as it may, is it truly justified, despite all the trouble? On the off chance that you turn back time, regardless of how deplorable it will be, it can't be fixed.
From Dark Horse: In a time of chaos and war, a godforsaken era, twin sons are born to an emperor. But legend states that the son of the emperor shall be born a demon! But twins? Who is the demon, and who shall reign as emperor? Chunchu is the story of a young man saved from death by his mother, banished by his people, hunted by his brother, and tortured by the demons within. Living and fighting with a low-born warrior tribe who can never trust him, Chunchu lives a life of blood and violence, every day a struggle to survive. But something mysterious lurks within his cold exterior, something that could be awakened by the touch of a woman. * Manhwa of the Year in Korea-2003.
Ryo Saeba is a sweeper in the city of Tokyo. His works as a trouble shooter, cleaning the streets of vermin, and helping out desperate people. Sometimes he is a bodyguard, sometimes he is an assassin, whatever Ryo does he does it well. In fact his only flaw is his hormones - he loves the ladies and sometimes turns into an idiot when he is near them. Thankfully he is got people like his partner Kaori Makimura to keep him in check.
From: Easy Going Scans Everyone in his Yakuza gang looked up to him. He was the boss's favorite pupil, but then in a single night, after he had won so many territorial fights for his gang, he lost everything! Why?
A City of Darkness side story, following the lives of Xiao Ji and Shi Er Shao.
It's 2030, 16 years after the discovery of the mysterious substance, SDEO1 (Mana). Now, it's the Magic Age.
Welcome to the prison-like city of Kowloon. A cluster of conjoined buildings run by gangs. Where the ability of an individual to hope is non-existent. Daniel, Jin, and Ariana are three kids who defy this life sentence. They intend to escape and are willing to go to extreme measures to do so. Since escape on foot is impossible, their quest leads them to the sky.
The second spring at the Advanced Nurturing High School is inviting Ayanokoji and Class D. The exceptional tests aren't just what looks for them, however the novel first year recruits also. Kazuomi Hōsen and Ryūen. The two who divided the awful standing among themselves during Ryuen's center school days. Takuya Yagami, who declares to come from a similar center school as Kushida, is moving toward her. What's more, the impulsive Ichika Amasawa who is pulling Ayanokoji left and right.
A story concerning the power of a king who can create something from nothing.
In a medieval world, villages are being attacked by the youma, demons that can take the appearance of their victim. The only people who can stop them are the Claymore, a group of young women named for the swords they use. They are half-human, half-demons who, mostly unwillingly, became Claymore.
Last Scene - Proof of Life. Claymore Last chapter Teresa coming out at last.