Genre - Action
The story focuses on first-year secondary school understudy Yoigoshi Tatsuya, a previous pro soccer player who aversions sports. He gets welcome to join a group for the physical game kabaddi. He initially rejects the idea, but after watching a kabaddi practice, he becomes interested.
From A Duck's Paradise: Deadly chemicals, lab rats, mutations to the genes and a mysterious case of death. Shamans--the people who can see and treat the dead. One of them often spies a girl--the girl his step-brother choked to death.
A reality where 'Hexes' exist. This is a tale about a youthful Shaman and his sidekicks saving the world from 'Condemnations'.
A shaman is some one who connects this world and the spirit world. In Shaman King, shamans team up with ghosts and spirits to achieve their goals. The greatest dreams of a shaman is to become the Shaman King, who is able to contact the Great Spirit (the spirit that every soul will eventually go back to) in order to be the savior of the world. Various magical and religious terms are spread through out the story but they merge into something explainable by the time the main plot arrives.
What is Shaman King Flowers? You need to read this series: 1- Shaman King 2- SK: Kang Zeng Bang (280-300 in Mangareader)
The side project manga's story will be about the excursion to discover Marco and will interface with the F.O.M. (Blossom of Maize) competition.
The start of the first official spin-off series for Shaman King featuring the Tao Family and their fight against the Red Crimson!
The "Super Stars" will unite and spin together a new legend following the events of Shaman King Flowers.
Between the mountains and the seas, there was a war with the beasts for survival. A man, named Bo Yi, discovered that drinking the beasts blood would grant him powers. Bo Yi traveled the world, recorded these beasts, and wrote the "Shan Hai Jing", he also established «Shang Hai Jing» city, to promote the idea of eating beasts to gain the power to hunt them. But when relations with other countries soured Bo Yi had dissapeared. Since then «Shan Hai Jing» started the pursuit of fame and profit.A young man is a slave at «Shan Hai Jing», however, he has an astonishing ability. The battle with the beasts changed the fate of both this young man and the entire world.
Shana oh Yoshitsune is an alternative story to the popular historical figure Minamoto no Yoshitsune along with his servants, including the renown Benkei who lived in the Heian Era. In this version, Yoshitsune was actually a weak, sickly boy who met an exact body replica in Hyouta, a traveling orphan who earn his living on the street. Being physically stronger, Hyouta was led to become a replacement for Yoshitsune, eventually claiming the name as his own. This manga is a fictional story (albeit with many historical references) of his journey to restore the honor of Genji (Minamoto) Clan. From DragonVoice: This is naturally a shounen manga and deals with the orphaned boy Hyouta who's in a group of traveling entertainers and one day he encounters a fine noble woman named Tokiwa who requests the group to perform at her home. But her intentions are not what they seem to be... Read the rest for yourself ^^ The first chapter will probably remind you guys of the story of "The Prince and the Beggar".
Rakurou Hizutome, a second-year high school student, is only interested in one thing: locating "shitty games" and defeating them to death. His gaming abilities are best in class, and no game is not good enough for him to appreciate. Therefore, when he is first shown Shangri-La Frontier, a brand-new VR game, he does what he does best: min-maxes and skips the prologue to get right into the action. Yet, can even a specialist gamer like Rakurou find every one of the insider facts that Shangri-La Boondocks stows away?
Yu Yong Gi was playing video games like any other day. Unfortunately for him, he was approached by a tiny lizard-thing that claimed to be a red dragon hatchling that had come to recruit him to become a hero. He refuses at first and, in return, the "hatchling" transported him into the game he was playing. He is approached by a beauty that claims to be the "hatchling". She proceeds to convince him that hero's are good-for-nothing bastards and tell him that he could never become one. He is returned to reality where he becomes determined to become a hero. But this entire situation was orchestrated by the demon lord. What could she be planning?
Eric has had a hard life. At 16 years old, his town was invaded by beasts, who murdered his loved ones. He before long turned into an officer, yet neglected to spare the life of the lady he adored. Eventually, he passed on the war zone, encircled by the groups of the individuals who he was unable to secure. At the point when Eric awakens, he winds up in an infant's body. Acknowledging he has been resurrected, he rapidly considers what is happening before he gets another stunner: the man and lady who are bringing him are up truth be told his past life's folks! The truth is out - Eric was resurrected, however as himself. No substitute universes, no expertise trees, simply his recollections sent back to the second he jumped out of his mom. Outfitted with the information on his past self, Eric promises to spare everybody since the universe has pressed the reset button for him.
Officer Shibata Taketora works in a local koban (a small police office). He may have a child-like face on the outside, but he's more serious than anyone in his pursuit of justice! With his goal being to become a detective, Taketora confronts everyday problems that happen within the town! Various incidents within the street make him chase after and apprehend criminals!