Genre - Action
Sarutorine Aldike, or Sari, is a bright, cheerful princess who wants to go on an adventure because she is bored of her tiny little castle in the countryside. One day, a hoard of vicious demons known as “Oni” come knocking on her doorstep, threatening the lives of everyone in the Kingdom. Thankfully, they are saved by a lone traveler named Kibitsu Mikoto who slays these monsters with a mysterious “Peach Eye”. Shocked by the dangers of the outside world, Sari decides to set off on a journey of her own. Little did she know that she will set in motion a chain of events that will come to determine the fate of this magical world. Remake version of Cool Kyoushinsha’s popular webcomic of the same name.
One martial artists amazing journey through fatherhood and battles.
2010, Seta Souji moves to the countryside to his uncle's house due to his parents working abroad. Not very friendly, he however manage to make a few friends there, and they all decide to solve the mystery behind the sudden cases of serial murders that strikes the area.
In a not too distant future, cities are controlled by government guided youth gangs. Those who are not in a gang are marked as outsiders. The silent and mysterious Julian is one of these outsiders, as well as the beautiful Anna. After Julian saved Anna from a beating at the hands of a gang, the story starts... Note: This is not an OEL!
In the event that something odd and secretive happens, you ought to go to him. They state he has mystic forces, however persuading him to really help manage savage apparitions might be a test. A Gold Future Cup victor, this spine-shivering, loathsomeness one-shot currently returns as a full arrangement!
In our current reality where the Murim universe of the past forged ahead to present day… After the executioner 'Apparition Spirit King' vanished suddenly, the Murim spent its days calmly. At some point, a medication that upgrades the inward strength of Martial Artists showed up, and in the nick of time, the 'Ghost Spirit King' who had vanished showed himself. Yet again then, at that point, the Murim that was quiet dove into the vortex of turmoil..
From MangaHelpers: Puzzle fanatic Daimon Kaito has been crazy about solving brain teasers, puzzles and riddles his entire life. He attends the prestigious Root Academy with Nonoha, but spends most of his time creating and solving puzzles. Kaito is one of the few genius teenagers that attend the school who has been given the title Einstein, along with his other just as brilliant classmates who were given the titles Galileo, Edison and Da Vinci. Together, they attempt to solve a puzzle that, since its creation centuries ago, has never been solved. But the genius students soon realize that there are dangerous forces behind the impossible puzzle. [vyc]
In the portable gacha game scandalous for its appalling trouble, , the Expert positioned fifth on the planet, 'Loki', blacks out while attacking the Prison. 'What? I'm a game person now?' Subsequent to awakening, 'Loki' acknowledges he has transformed into a Level 1, 1-Star Legend — 'Han Yslat'. To get back to Earth, he should lead the beginner Expert and legends and clear the 100th floor of the Prison! 'You screwed with some unacceptable person.' This is the narrative of hard conveying by Expert Loki who never acknowledges even a solitary loss.
In the modern age, there still exist some martial arts clans from long ago vying for power. Amongst the fighting, the son of a door man meets a mysterious girl who kisses him out of the blue....
Through posting a “Best Comment”, I somehow became the main character of a webtoon!
Yonggi had sworn not to fight anymore since the death of his teacher. It doesnt stop him from protecting the weak while trying to hide his true strength. But when Gihoon, an old associate of Yonggi, drives him into the world of illegal prize-fighting, the young man will quickly be forced to review his principles...
Wan Jia was betrayed by one of his own teammates in the virtual reality game, "King of Gamers" (KOG) and lost his qualification. However, In his final moments before being removed from the game, he was transported back one year earlier to the day that "King of Gamers" launched. Already a master of the game and possessing in-depth knowledge of the content of the game, Wan Jia orchestrates his return to the "King of Gamers" to not only to punish the traitorous teammate, but also achieve victory!
Kim Gi-Gyu stirred as a player at 18 years old. He thought his life was on target towards progress, climbing the pinnacle and shutting the entryways... Be that as it may, even in the wake of clearing the instructional exercise, he was level 1. He killed a troll a day, and he was as yet level 1. Even following 5 years, he was as yet level 1. "Who might have imagined that this sort of player would exist." No one knew.
At some point, all of a sudden, he falls into damnation. All he has with him is his longing to live and ruthless powers. From the thousandth damnation to the nine thousandth, he's eaten up tens and a huge number of devils, and, surprisingly, the seven archdukes did homage him. "For what reason do you wish to return? Your Majesty as of now has everything in damnation." "Everything, my butt." There's nothing to eat or appreciate here! Damnation's only forlorn land loaded with awful evil presences! "I will return." Following 10,000 long years, he at last re-visitations of Earth.