Akutou Ikka no Mana Musume, Tensei Saki mo Otome Game no Gokudou Reijou deshita. - Saijoukyuu Rank no Akuyaku-sama, Sono Dekiai wa Fuyou desu!
AMEKAWA ToukoArtist
GOTOU SoraReading Direction:
Right to LeftSynopsis:
After her unexpected demise because of a professional killer, the previous granddaughter of a Yakuza supervisor resurrects in an otome game as the courageous woman. The game is, obviously, set in the hour of early European mafia (yet with sorcery and other exceptional capacities some way or another), explicitly a realm where the illustrious family is upheld in the background by five significant hoodlum! Satisfy God, whyyy, I simply needed to life a typical life! A dangerous love affair between a villainous fiancé and a former Yakuza heiress begins!
Akutou Ikka no Mana Musume, Tensei Saki mo Otome Game no Gokudou Reijou deshita. - Saijoukyuu Rank no Akuyaku-sama, Sono Dekiai wa Fuyou desu! Chapter Lists
Chapter Name