Game of Familia - Family Senki

YAMAGUCHI MikotoArtist
D.PReading Direction:
Right to LeftSynopsis:
Hatsushima Sasae alongside his progression mother and two stage sisters(aunts) are brought into a different universe where demi-people are the rulers as deliverers, however its not to battle against an evil presence master, its to battle an Undead Apocalypse beasts called "Dead Mell" that have invaded the world and that must be slaughtered by utilizing weapons made with blessed silver. For that, a familia is made (gathering of 4 individuals) with them being the swordmaster that utilizes the blessed blade, the watchman that utilizes the force of earth to ensure, the healer that utilization the force of water to recuperate and the dark mage that utilizes the force of fire to obliterate. The part of the watchman, the mage and the healer is to help the swordmaster that can just murder the beasts. However, to utilize enchantment powers one should offer piece of your being as a penance to shape an agreement with spirits, and the higher the penance, the higher the force. Presently they should pick who are the 3 that need to forfeit piece of their bodies to acquire force and who will employ the heavenly sword.