Gaikotsu Kishi-sama Tadaima Isekai e o Dekake-chuu

Hakari EnkiArtist
Sawano AkiraReading Direction:
Right to LeftSynopsis:
The hero nodded off while playing a web based game. Be that as it may, he got up in a peculiar world with his game character's appearance. In a condition of stun, he saw that he was furnished with only his most grounded weapon and defensive layer. To exacerbate the situation, our saint's appearance was changed by the exceptional symbol skin 『Skeleton』 when he enter this new world. The hero needed to live without drawing consideration, however he got to know the dim mythical person Ariana and got her solicitation.
Gaikotsu Kishi-sama Tadaima Isekai e o Dekake-chuu Chapter Lists
Chapter Name